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In abstract art, blue is a common color that can convey a variety of emotions and moods, such as calmness,

tranquility and melancholy.

Marianna Sisson is known for her use of vivid and vivid colors, including blue,

in her abstract tribute paintings. Sisson’s distinctive blue art includes various shades of blue,

ranging from deep navy blue to light sky blue. Her use of layered and combined color creates a sense of depth and movement,

with some areas of the painting appearing more saturated and intense than others.

Her brushwork is loose and expressive, with sweeping strokes and gestures

that create a sense of energy and movement. Its use of line and form may be abstract and spontaneous,

with shapes suggestive of movement or natural elements such as water or clouds.


In abstract art, blue is a common color that can convey a variety of emotions and moods, such as calmness, tranquility and melancholy. Marianna Sisson is known for her use of vivid and vivid colors, including blue, in her abstract tribute paintings. Sisson's distinctive blue art includes various shades of blue, ranging from deep navy blue to light sky blue. Her use of layered and combined color creates a sense of depth and movement, with some areas of the painting appearing more saturated and intense than others. Her brushwork is loose and expressive, with sweeping strokes and gestures that create a sense of energy and movement. Its use of line and form may be abstract and spontaneous, with shapes suggestive of movement or natural elements such as water or clouds.